Union instructor: Patrick Foley
Main Instructors: Masters Gianfranco Pace, Sam Masich, & Paul Silfverstråle
A four-day, all-inclusive event, where you can meet, practise, and share together with taijiquan enthusiasts and experts from around the world!
Explore the Universal Taijiquan with three of today’s most highly dedicated and skilled experts. Coming from Italy, Canada, and Sweden, Gianfranco, Sam, and Paul will share practices and insights into the three major styles of taijiquan. Special presentation—Taijiquan: Journey to the West—describing the history of the art’s movement from China to the rest of the world.
You may attend the events as a residential or day visitor. Staying at the venue includes full bed and board, and benefits from being able to enjoy the company of other taijiquan players during the evening, whether it’s practising or just sharing experiences together. Not to be missed!
Cost: non-residential £385 (Lunch & Dinner included). residential £650 (Full board)
Event Location: Sparsholt College, Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2NF
Event Email: patrick@5-section-taijiquan.co.uk
Event Website: https://www.5-section-taijiquan.com/