Interest was high, and feedback was excellent, following the January qigong session, and I was asked to run further sessions. With this in mind, I am running a Yang Family Tai Chi Qigong workshop.
When you book, you will receive training notes, plus you will get access to the video of the live training session afterward.
I have not taught this rare qigong set, openly, for a number of years so book a place to ensure you don’t miss out.
History of Yang family qigong
Master Liang He Ching (1938 – 2007) taught Mark in Malaysia, then Mark and Jenny when he stayed with them in the UK; this was the firt time he had ever left Malaysia.
He studied in depth with Yang Ching Feng who learnt it from his teacher Liu Jian Chuan. Liu Jian Chuan had trained directly with Yang Cheng Fu.
The illustrations used were taken from Chen Yen-Lin’s book (1932). He was a senior student of Yang Cheng Fu and copied the original Yang family transcripts in 1929-30 which infuriated the Yang Family who soon after published their own smaller book. This story is well documented.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Please confirm you would like to attend so I can manage the numbers.
Contact Mark to pay by bank transfer, or pay £35 by card by clicking on this link
Mark Peters
Phone: +44(0)7831 743 737 Phone / WhatsApp